Mathlete's Olympiad Season 13
Mathlete's Olympiad Season 13
- Waktu Pengerjaan: 45 menit
- Jumlah Soal: 30 Soal
- Materi: Silahkan download technical sheet
- Contoh Soal bisa klik link dibawah
- Waktu Pengerjaan: 45 menit
- Jumlah Soal: 30 Soal
- Materi: Silahkan download technical sheet
- Contoh Soal bisa klik link dibawah
- Waktu Pengerjaan: 45 menit
- Jumlah Soal: 30 Soal
- Materi: Silahkan download technical sheet
- Contoh Soal bisa klik link dibawah
Bertanding & Bersanding
Compete & Complete
The most important thing is not winning but taking part;
the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.
Pierre de Coubertin